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my computer says it won't launch it because it thinks its a virus? what do I do?

Hello there!

I am sorry to hear PAIcom was falsely flagged as a virus...

He rarely gets falsely flagged as a virus... and when he does get flagged as one it is because he uses your microphone... (he uses your microphone to hear you... because he is a voice assistant haha)

To fix this issue, reinstall PAIcom and after that find the place where u reinstalled PAIcom and whitelist it in your antivirus software!

(I can also help you with that! Be sure to join the discord server and go to the #help channel)

I hope I helped you and THANK YOU FOR PURCHASING PAICOM!!! :3

I hope ya will be able to enjoy it soon! :D

(2 edits)

Edit: (I helped him in discord and the issue was solved)

how do I get the premium PAIcom? I paid the $5 on patreon


I just finished sending the PAIcom licenses to the new Patreons I got today and yesterday... right now!

So be sure to check your Patreon dms to get your license and also the awesome perks! :3
(again THANKSSS)

Can I pay other way than PayPal?

You should be able to buy PAIcom thru Patreon (thru credit card)
Just be sure you get the 5$ tier (or the more expensive ones) so you get the license.
(+ because you are doing it that way you also get your name in the PAIcom software for everyone to see)


Thank you for checking my stuff out! ':D

Update: You can now also purchase PAIcom using any credit card right here on!

I hope I helped ya! ':D

(1 edit)

EDIT: PAIcom works now! :3

will this be on the steam deck

PAIcom should work on any Steam Deck that runs windows 10 or 11.
However I did not tested it yet (because I dont have a steam deck lol)

Before I will launch PAIcom on Steam I will do a lot of testing with users that have Steam Decks (both the LCD version and OLED version) and make a post about it.

I hope I helped ya! ':D

free (demo) version nonexistent.

There was a PAIcom demo when PAIcom launched but a few months ago I decided to remove it because it was really outdated and didnt reflect the new current state of the premium version of PAIcom. (Since launch, PAIcom got a lot of updates that made him have more feature and be more awesome haha)

Eventually I will update the demo and re-release it however right now I am mostly focusing on releasing the premium PAIcom Steam version + it's features (ex: the modding steam-workshop feature, etc)

I hope I helped you and I hope ya will have a nice day/night! :3

i wanna get this but i don't wanna use my money :(

I will give it to you for free!!

If you have the lastest Steam Deck OLED + an external microphone tho (the external mic is optional)

I really need latest (OLED) Steam Deck testers before launching PAIcom on Steam lol

(1 edit)

I have the latest OLED steam deck. I’ll test it 

when are you gonna release it on steam i need that proto

PAIcom will be on steam I get 2500 wishlist on Steam! ':D
Right now I have over 1900

(I do that because all the developers from Steam recommend atleast 2500 for your game/software to not be hidden/not promoted or shown at all by the Steam algorithm to other users)

[basically Steam made their algorithm try to guess what games are shovelware so they would pretty much hide that. They are doing it based on every software/game's popularity lol... So thats why I dont wanna be on Steam's bad side + thats why I wanna get wishlists xD]

So wishlist PAIcom now, gamer!!!1111!!11!

thank you for telling me that i already wishlisted it :3


I love him so much i need him NOW. when i get my first paycheck from my new job i NEED this. haahhahaha


For a few days, credit card payments won't work!
(aka you can't buy PAIcom with your credit card right now, you can buy it just with PayPal or a credit card linked thru PayPal)
We are working on this issue!

Do you have to say a certain thing for PAIcom to answer

(2 edits) (-1)

Hello there!
Because I wanted to make PAIcom unique, PAIcom is a voice assistant, not an AI or some ChatGPT type bullshit xD.
(because AI/chatGPT's jokes and sometimes responses didn't make me laugh at all... or made me think he is a silly mf that has lots of personality, I chose to write and voice-act every response)

So yes, you have to say certain things for PAIcom to answer.
For now, he has over 60 voice commands but I am adding more and more every few months!

I hope I helped you and I hope you will have a nice day/night! :3

Thank you this does help

No problem!
I am really happy I was able to help!
I hope you will have a nice day/night! ':D

(One more thing, I edited the original reply to fix some minor grammar issues) 


cant smash him but i loved him 11/10


I am really REALLY happy to hear you love PAIcom!

However, dont give rule34 artists ideas because my other assistant already got "art" on that website.... HAHAHAHA

Thank you xDDz

Very funny!

AYYY glad to hear that you are really enjoying PAIcom! :3

Please quickly put it on the Steam platform, I really need it


I will put it as soon as I can.
Sadly University is really fucking me up... but I will work on PAIcom and put him on Steam as soon as I can.

You can "wishlist" him on Steam right now btw!
(You will get notified when PAicom will be available for purchase on Steam + it will help me a lot)

And finally, thank you for your comment :3

YAY more things to waste my money on! :3


Worth the money tho :3
-the creator lmao

Payed and done :) By the way, how's the steam key gonna work? are you gonna like add a text file to the download or something?

Soon the game will be available in steam, especially for Russians :D

im really sad it costs money because i havo no money :,{


its not that much

Not everyone has the money to spare and not everyone has money on their card :/



is the demo still up?

Will you ever be able to pay a different way and not just PayPal?

PAIcom will be on Steam soon, so you will be able to buy it using your credit card (or other metodes) too! ':D

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)


(1 edit)

And he is cooking some cool new features behind the scenes ;)))

(1 edit)

(server issues are fixed)

Hello, the video presentation of your work on YouTube looks great, but I still have a few questions to ask. I would be very grateful if you could answer them.
When I tried to try out the demo version of Windows 11, it showed that I couldn't connect to the remote server. Has this issue been resolved on the paid version.
2. Has the Steam been launched? If Steam has been listed and I still cannot find it, then I have to say that it is prohibited by Chinese law and cannot be found.
So I would like to confirm if the issue of 'unable to connect to the server' has been resolved on the paid version, and if a definitive response is received. (In cases where I cannot purchase through Steam, I will pay through credit card)

 (English)if i remeber well steam was banned in china 1/2 mouts ago (中文)如果我没记错的话 Steam 1/2 个月前在中国被禁了

If the demo doesn't work, the premium server won't work either...
It wont matter on what platform because its just hard to make an app that also works in China...
You can try using a vpn tho! ':D

He's finally on Steam now! ':D

¿disculpe palcom esta en español o llegara a tener el idioma en español?

PAIcom podría tener soporte en español, pero no en la función cercana... (espero que puedas entender lo que escribí, estoy usando el traductor de Google)

what if i dont have a mic...

It's a voice computer assistant... it needs to hear ya voice to work lol... (aka it uses ur mic to hear what commands u are telling him)
If ya dont have a mic PAIcom will just not work...

I'm having issues downloading it from here when will the steam version come

I am sorry to hear that!

Please join our discord server so we can help you configure PAIcom! ':D

(Also the installer tells you to run it as administrator, so if ya didnt tried that... you should! :P )

He's finally on Steam now! ':D

When's the Steam version coming out??


Due to exams, PAIcom (steam version) will be delayed.

In 2 months (a little more or less), PAIcom should be available on the Steam store tho! ':D

Nice, I can wait for a while. Then again, I can't wait for it ^w^

He's finally on Steam now! ':D

(1 edit)

paicom taunt me today how to be a yandere and i am proud 10/10

(1 edit)

If you want to try PAIcom before purchasing it, you can try the demo version of it first!
So you y'all can see if you like PAIcom or not! ':D


(1 edit)

Paicom fucked my girlfriend

10/10 would have him fuck my girlfriend again

(edited due to scripters wishes and I am now legally able to be compensated by scripter)

Allow me to share my thoughts on the PAIcom furry computer assistant, as a true blue-blooded British trooper.

First and foremost, I must say that I was simply blewn away to have the pleasure of using this innovative contraption. The design was quite unique, but I must confess that it added a certain level of comfort and coziness to my bunk station.

In terms of functionality, PAIcom proved to be a propa' asset indeed. Its AI capabilities were simply astounding, with the assistant able to execute tasks and respond to my queries with propa' fast speed. It was almost as if I had a personal valet at my beck and call, and I must say that it made my work much more efficient and streamlined.

One aspect that particularly impressed me was the PAIcom's ability to adapt and learn from my preferences and war habits. As I continued to use it, the assistant became increasingly intuitive, anticipating my needs and providing bespoke solutions to my daily tasks.

In conclusion, I would highly recommend the PAIcom furry computer assistant to any discerning gentleman or m'lady looking to enhance their work productivity and efficiency. Its unique design and impressive AI capabilities make it a valuable asset for any modern-day trooper. Cheers!

(1 edit) (+2)

PAIcom furry computer assistant is a friendship story between yours truly and.. you! Of course!

I recommend this wholeheartedly! For I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.I am mentally stable.

P.S. It helps the voices to calm down sometimes! <3

also how do i get his regulus skin to show?

Hello there!
PAIcom's regular skin is shown by default when you install the vanilla PAIcom premium version!
If you have more questions don't hesitate to write them in our server! ':D


My bad there may have been a mistake with interpretation TwT “regulus” is the species that one of the skins are not “regular TwT

(1 edit)

how do you change PAIcoms name? (if thats possible)


Yes it is possible and very easy to do! ':D
Just follow the written documentation or this YouTube video tutorial:


Can't wait for the Steam version!!!

damn this is vewwy interesting OwO, i would like to try


Heey you can try it for free to see if you would like it!
link for the demo (free) version:

And if you like it... maybe buy it! ':D
(the 20% discounted price of PAIcom premium is for a limited time only)


imagine wasting time making this mentally ill shit


Imagine wasting all this time only going on furry games/softwares and only leaving them bad comments instead of actually doing something good or even useful with your life LMAO!

I know you cant make a game/software but atleast try playing some games to make you feel proud of yourself!

For your IQ I do recommend Candy Crush, but only the tutorial level because the other levels will be too hard for ya :)

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

jesus christ you didn't have to kill them


i am still alive


quick defuse it!!


Eff off mate. There's nothing mentally ill about being a furry but there sure is about being a loser who spends their free time writing useless comments on the Internet. Get something better to do.


like what


This asistant is the best!

thank you for creating him.


Heyy thank you a lot! 
Your comment really made my day! `:D


(For demo version.) When choose 720p, he's almost in the middle of my screen. But when I choose 1080, he's halfway out of frame. How do I fix?


Yeah well...

In the latest (paid/premium) PAIcom ver 0.5i I fixed this issue (PAIcom automatically detects your screen size and places himself in the right spot).

You problably have like a not common screen ratio/size (maybe a laptop screen or a widescreen?).

The only thing you can do rn is play with the screen zoom from the windows settings (on laptops is usually set to 125%... You can set it to 100% and see how PAIcom should've stayed like).

Other then that... You dont have other settings sadly. I might update the demo but I'm not sure. (I quite have a limited time right now and I'm trying to focus on the premium/paid version). STILL, I might fix this issue on the demo version too!

Ah, thank you. I was curious if the paid version auto fixed this. I am unfortunately unable to access my laptops settings though. So if it was still an issue in the paid version that could only be fixed via settings, I wouldn't be able to do so.  

Hello there, yes I understand!
I did fixed it in the paid version haha `:D


The man who created this is a BIG SHOT!


Omg omg!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Thank you for your [[GENEROSITY]] you [SILLY STRINGS]]!
Now give me your [[insert kromer here]]!

Deleted 2 years ago

Ayy I'm really happy you liked my software! `:D
Sorry for the not working discord link!
This is our discord server:

(If you still have problems with the link, friend request me on discord! My name is:  scripter S#6019  )

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