A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$5.99 USD or more

PAIcom! The funniest and best furry voice computer assistant there is!

[Also the first furry (protogen) computer assistant in the world!]

Using your microphone you can talk to him! (Creator note: It is very nice to talk to an AI when you don't have friends!)

He can open apps, games, websites on your computer and much more!  (+ he can be fully modded!!!)

Works on desktop and VR and has a nice DISCORD community!
Now available to download on itch.io and soon on Steam!

So... why purchase PAIcom?

               He is VERY FUNNY!

PAIcom is very FUNNY!!  

He has a joke for all the  voice commands he has!

                     He is very fast!

He is very fast! 
Source: trust me bro

      PAIcom can be FULLY MODDED                   (without coding knowledge)

Yes, you heard me right! MOD PAICOM!

You will be able to change PAIcom's name, skin, responses, voice, etc! 

YOU will be able to even make your OWN VOICE COMPUTER ASSISTANT using PAIcom's "engine"!


Steam VR and SlimeVR Compatible

PAIcom works in any vr form however it works the best with SteamVR!
You can tell PAIcom to change your steam status, open steam/steam vr games and... if you are in a Full Body Tracking game with the SlimeVR trackers, you can tell PAIcom to calibrate them real fast if they drift!

   Okay so how do you afford this?

I can't afford it lmfao.
So if ya want to help me please consider buying my software here (or on steam) for 5.99$
You can also buy PAIcom premium on my Patreon and get exclusive benefits and content!

Official Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/paicom?fan_landing=true

3D Model made by Nukude and modified by Ovidiu Dendrino / scripter S
Protogen species made by Malice-Risu (@CoolKoinu)


Buy Now$5.99 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PAIcom installer v0.6.exe 243 MB

Development log


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(1 edit)

Can I make a youtube video on it? :3


You can, but I recommend waiting for the BIG update (aka the "Remastered Update") at the end of this month!
That way, your video will be incredible!! >:3

Ooooh, sounds interesting, thankie!

can i change his color and if i can how to do it (im a total idiot)

It's super easy to do! :3
Just open the PAicom frames in any image editing software you like (e.g., Paint.net) and adjust the hue! 🎨

For more in-depth modding, check out my video tutorial!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i bought your software, but i apid full price, (cus i appreciate birthdays, and the offer of discounts!, so as a present, since i like you i paid an extra 2 bucks!! sorry its not more!!)

Will PAIcom also have a workshop option when it releases on Steam? So people can post their mods there and you can download it for your PAIcom assistant?


+ YouTube tutorials on how to make a mod, and upload it! :3

Can we completely change his model or just swap color  palettes and whatnot? I like the idea but visually if I am having a furry digital assistant I want him to be a buffed up anthro wolf or something :) 


(+ its very easy aswell HAHA)

So have fun making PAIcom the hottest mf there is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

(2 edits)

Hihi there, I was thinking on buying it cuz he looks so silly and I was questioning smth. If I download it, can I add more voice commands, like personalized? Or, change the responses that he gives to u when u say smth specific to him? I just wanted to know that before buying it :]

(1 edit) (+1)


Right now, you can only modify existing voice commands by customizing animations, timings, responses, voices, and the wake-up command (custom assistant name).

However, we’re actively working on allowing users to add entirely new voice commands! 
Due to security concerns, we want to ensure users can't create harmful commands, but we’re confident we’ll find a solution.

As I stated, users can only modify PAicom’s audio and visual elements for now.

Stay tuned for updates tho!! >:3

okay tysm!! :3 and btw, does PAIcom recognize any program that u have downloaded on ur pc? or each program need its unique voice command? (like discord, spotify, etc)


Bought this because this seems like the best computer assistant, I can't wait to mod it once I can. And also see what the new update all has to offer. >:3 


Apple isn’t the best when it comes to supporting indie developers... (Mostly because of their development tools.)

BUT we’ll see what we can do! >:3


is it going to be free when it realeases in steam or do i still have to pay.


PAicom will be paid on Steam as well!

I hope I helped ya! :3

If i buy this, does that mean i get early access since its not out on steam yet?


Pretty much yes!
Keep in mind that you will also get all the updates that will come on Steam as well! ':D

Then i might be interested in buying this

uhh, one question Ovidiu, ik im waiting for steam release, but if i buy it once in here, aka itch.io, i can download any updates for free later on here? im just asking.


Yes, when you purchase PAicom here on itch.io, you can download all the updates as they’re released!

Itch.io is just another platform where developers publish and sell their games and software.
(It’s like purchasing a game on the Epic Store! Still receiving all the updates when they’re released just like on Steam.)

So yes, you’ll absolutely receive the big update dropping in March! :3

However... cough cough the thing you’ve been waiting for will also be dropping in March on the platform you wanted  wink wink
So be aware of that... even tho that's a secret winks with both eyes >w<

hehe neat! :3, also my bday its dangerously close :P, aniway, HAVE A GREAT DAY OR NIGHT :3


If only I had $3.89... Wait, I might actually have that much, nvm :3



Something I Would VERY Much Love, Is If PAIcom Could Clip Stuff For Me! Like, Through Medal Or Stuff Like That-

That an extremely good idea which will be implemented in the next update!! ':D

If you have more ideas on how to make PAIcom awesome, don’t hesitate to write to us on our Discord (in the 'suggestions' channel) >:3

When will it release on steam, it's been I think 2 years. 

(sorry if this comes across as aggressive tee hee :3


I’ve been extremely busy, but I’ll be releasing the remastered (v.0.9) PAIcom version on Steam soon!

I'm working hard to make him the best he can be! >:3


I Bought PAIcom and im still trying to figure it all out but I can't find any modding document. Is that for a patrion version or am I just overlooking it somewhere?



I recently removed the modding documentation for a bit because we are polishing it for the Steam release!
(Nothing changes, we are just trying to remake it so its easy er to understand xD)

For now, I can give you the old documentation tho! :3
Please join our discord server and request it in our #help channel! ':D


i need to get PAIcom when it releases, this is my life goal right now.
i need da funny assistent proto that can vanish like my dad did


This is probably late to respond but can you make PAIcom female? I don't see a link for it. I'm probably just not seeing it

(1 edit)

There is no official way to make PAIcom female (only if there are community made mods for PAicom that make him female)

You probably heard about my other voice assistant named Smug AI, which is female! :3
You can get her here:

Are you planning add other languages? Brazilian Portuguese for example =]

If PAicom does well on Steam, I will add multiple languages, yess! ':D

Are you still looking for people with a Steam Deck OLED to test PAIcom?

Actually that would be really helpful!
Join our discord and I will announce there when we need more testing for the Steam Deck! :3


PALcom is nice.
I love palcom
It is spirit animal
I am hold hostage by it
Best 5 i ever spet


(1 edit) (+4)

Mrhmmmm... the temptation of geting the silly boi on here is huge.... but i must wait... for steam release...

(me just being silly and eager to have em X3)


Looks interesting I just wonder if he's safe to use as I don't want him to go giving out info. I only ask I'd rather know before I think of buying him myself


PAIcom doesn't collect, store or send ANY of your information!

I really don't like how the other companies just collect data from users for no reason, so that's why PAicom doesn't do ANY OF THAT!!! ':D
That's also why PAIcom doesn't have a privacy policy! (There’s simply no data to handle so... there is no need for that xD)

I hope I helped you and I hope ya will have a nice day/night! :3


Okay thanks I wondered as I didn't want to go buying something that could risk my computer. If I can I'll maybe see about adding him to my PC some point to try him out. I do like the Protogen race so that's a plus.


question: is it helpful with brazilians, because i wanted him to help my family on the computer too. and also, be "hooman friendly"


PAicom CAN help your family with the computer, however... however... PAicom is very silly and... skibidi... let's say...

Like... he WILL call you a boomer if you use facebook... or just make fun of you (in a funny way) depending of what you do... or (depending of what you tell him) he might also troll you and disable your monitor for 2 minutes...

So... yeah PAIcom is very useful... but I don't think its the best for ur parents or grandparents... because of its... "gen Z" humor and other stuff xDD
He would be the best for you tho HAHA

I hope I helped you and I hope ya will have a nice day/night!!! :3

Hey, I have a little question, I bought paicom, I downloaded it and everything was fine, but when I open it, it doesn't listen to me, I tried as best I could to fix that, but it still can't listen to me, what could be the problem? :c (srry for the bad inglish, i use google translator xD)

Thank you for reaching out! :3

When you turn PAicom on,  press the "Help" button and follow the tutorial! ':D

If the video didn't helped you please join our discord server so we can help you live! >w<

I hope I helped you and HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT!! :3

Yes, I already saw the video and did everything it said, I also realized that I had to put English as the main language on my PC, and it finally worked for me, THANK YOUUUU :,3


However, PAicom should work even if ur main computer language is not English.
(My laptop has Romanian as its main language and English secondary)

Maybe Windows didn't applied the English pack correctly the first time, and after you switched it as your main, it was finally applied correctly... (Windows can be terrible sometimes lol)

So I recommend switching back to your old language (without removing the English pack) and see if PAicom works! :3

(and tell me if it worked aswell!)
THANKS!!! >///<

That's what I did at the beginning when I was following the tutorial guide, but it didn't work, and now I tried it again and it still doesn't work, it only works with English as the main language :,c

(2 edits)

I'm glad PAicom works! ':D

That's very odd behavior tho...
(For me and other users, PAicom works fine even if u have another main language)
So... sadly that's a Windows issue, not a software issue... but I will try to see if I can do anything about it!


(2 edits)

Wellcome back ovidiu, its been long isnt it? X3, welp i hope youre doing good, i understand  if u took time to do your stuff, may i ask, when you tink steam release its gona happen?, how many wishlists does pai have? (exact number if posible :3)
i never losed hope and il get it on steam as soon as it releases!

(u can reply to the question on the coment i left on the "PAicom Steam Release!?!? (info)" development log instead if u want)

It feels so good to be back HAHA!

I will do a BIG announcement extremely soon detailing the awesome future PAicom will have! (all the details about the Steam release and more)
Im really REALLY excited and cant wait to share the good news with yall! ':D

I hope I helped you (kinda xD) and I hope ya will have a nice day/night!! :3

hehehe great!!!
im glad that you also are happy about it <3
see ya later!

(1 edit)

hey so i closed the command menu and i dont know how to i open it again, could i get some help?

Oh sorry for the late reply!!

To open/reopen any menu in PAicom you just press PAicom (when he is on your desktop) and a menu will appear where u can select what UI's (features, menus etc) to open! ':D

I hope I helped you and I hope ya will have a nice day/night! :3


sry for the late replay, but thank you also his a great assistant :3 



AHHH I WANT THIS SO BAD, but alas, I haveth no moolah. Being 18 in a developing country sucks.


Hey can you tell me in what country u are in and what currency do you use?
Maybe I can help you (and other ppl from ur country) be able to get PAicom by setting up regional pricing! ':D 
(making it cheaper/way cheaper in developing countries)

If you don't want to write it here publicly, you can contact me on discord!
My discord name is: scripters

I hope I helped you and I hope ya will have a nice day/night! ':D

I live in Sri Lanka, and we use LKR (Sri Lankan Rupee)

Thank you!


I am NOT waiting for Steam release


so i bought it here


Oh my god this actually looks super cool 

any closer to the goal? <3

ik i aint related to the developement of paicom but or 1, we are CLOSE as hell or 2, it reached its goal but Ovidiu its being massacred by tons of homework to the point that cant even just look at steam, 2 months aggo in a coment heanounced paicom had lightly over 2.4k wishlists, and he hasnt replied to those coments of 2 months aggo, so thats my guess

lets see how this goes :3


How many Steam wishlists do we currenty have? im curious. (ive also been waiting like a year so i need something to hold me off from spending money on itch.io [i dont trust this website])

in a coment of like a month aggo i heard he mentioned it having 2.4k wishlists, he aint repliying surely because of his work, be patient ;3

you think we got 100+ wishlists in a month?

(1 edit) (+1)

Probably, but as he its so bussy in the unibersity he cant do the changes, you can see that in another coments, also u could se ive sent a msg last month there and he hasnt replied yet, take in mind that the last days are the ones with most tests and homework



I have had Paicom on my wish list for a long time, but I'm still not sure about spending my money because I don't know if it is available in my language, which is Spanish. This has more languages available or at the moment only the English ?

yo, how many wishlist has got paicom? (exact number if posible)
and when u tink u will reach ur goal of 2,5k wishlists at this pace?
i say this because i swear to god im SO EAGER for it to b released in steam!
il purchase it as soon as i see it able in steam!

Eh...is there anyway to let the cute creature identify other language like Chinese? Since I'm a Chinese and I want to use it in my language.(He is so CUUUUUUTE~)


I dont tink he can, ive readed other coments and he said that PAIcom just understands english for now, but maybe he will add compatibility for other languages, well see how this goes :P


Cant seem to get it to work on my opera GX. could just be because im not much of a tech savvy :/

PAicom is not an opera GX addon tho...
I think you are trying to open the .rar file with opera GX.
(You should open it with winrar or other alternatives)
But don't worry, we can help you in real time in my discord server! ':D

Just join and go in the #help channel! :3

when gx addon?

how do i know that PAIcom is safe for my computer and my cyber privacy 



I am really pissed at how Google (with their Google Assistant), Amazon (with their Amazon Alexa Assistant) and even Apple (with their Siri assistant) "legally steal" soo much of your personal data for no reason.

However, PAIcom is different! 
PAIcom doesn't store or send ANY and I really mean ANY of your data.
What you do with PAicom is your business and nothing leaves your computer.
You can verify that by trying to find PAIcom's "Privacy Policy" which right now is not existent because PAicom does not and will not store or send any of your information(s).

To be fully transparent and honest with you, PAicom did had a "Privacy Policy" and it did send me every time a command was used so I could get a "chart" of what were the most popular commands in PAIcom.
That only happened in PAicom ver 0.2 till 0.4 (we are now at PAicom version 0.6, soon releasing 0.7)  and I was doing that so I could see what were the most popular and used voice commands and make similar and useful voice commands like the popular ones.
I was doing that because PAicom is a voice computer assistant, aka all the responses/animations are written, animated and voice acted by me and that takes a lot of time.
Because I was and still am the 2nd best piano player for my age category from Romania I didn't had time to work on PAIcom because of national Piano contests and I wanted to make voice commands that would actually be used and be useful in PAIcom, so I resorted to that method for just version 0.2 till 0.4 .
After I did that "experiment" I understood what people wanted from PAicom so I removed all communications between PAicom and me in version 0.5 . (aka PAicom is not sending any information since and will not send any data to me in the future aswell)
And if people want specific stuff in PAicom, they can just write me their ideas on discord now! :3

So to wrap things up, PAicom is a top selling software (voice assistant) that is safe to use!
Because I am legally required to disclose everything it does, you can check my statements (aka that PAIcom doesn't store or send any data) both here on itch.io but also on Steam! ':D

I hope I helped ya and if ya have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me! >w<

Hey Ovidiu, i need help with Paicom, he dosen't listen to me for some reason, i did everything in like in help video but he still doesn't listen to me, idk what's the problem

I am very sorry to hear that my silly goober (aka PAicom lol) is not working on your computer...
Just join my discord server so we can help you make PAIcom work!! ':D

Update: The user was helped and now he is enjoying PAicom >w<

How does the application work on the Steam Deck LCD(if at all)?

If you have Windows 10/11 installed on your Steam Deck (main operating system or secondary using double boot) PAIcom should work! ':D
I can't say for sure because I don't have a steam deck and can't try myself...

But... I hope I helped ya! :3 

Goal Reached~





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